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Cyclops: A Rock Opera

Opening Date: Oct 20, 2023

Closing Date: Nov 03, 2023

Running Time: 01:30

Cyclops: A Rock Opera Show Site Icon

Playing @

The Tank

312 W 36th St. New York, NY 10018

View theatre details
Set at the beginning of his ten year odyssey, legendary hero Odysseus arrives on a secluded island. But beware, for lurking in the island’s caves is the one-eyed Cyclops, a creature that forces Odysseus to reckon with what divides a hero from a monster. Populated by a band of goat-skinned Satyrs and fleet-footed Maenads, Odysseus finds in the depths of the Cyclops’ lair a place where the power of ancient mythology merges with the contemporary magic of rock music, a chamber where he must confront the legacy of the Trojan War and, in the unblinking gaze of Polyphemus, a dark reflection of his own violent spirit. 

Featuring an original rock score by Jason Landon Marcus and a book by Chas LiBretto, the Pulitzer-nominated Cyclops: A Rock Opera weaves together elements of progressive rock, classical opera and contemporary soundscapes to create a dynamic and Dionysian musical journey.
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Masks are required. Livestreaming is available.

Performance Schedule:



Eric William Morris
Korie Lee Blossey
Aneesa Folds


Jason Landon Marcus and Benjamin Sherman


Jason Landon Marcus


Chas LiBretto


Sherri Eden Barber

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A C E to 34th Street 1 2 3 to 34th Street 7 to 34th Street

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