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1599 Project

First Preview: Apr 01, 2016

Opening Date: Apr 27, 2016

Closing Date: May 28, 2016

Running Time: 02:45

1599 Project Show Site Icon

Playing @

Irondale Center

85 South Oxford Street Brooklyn, NY 11217

View theatre details
An Epic Landscape – literally 

In the spirit of its alice… Alice… ALICE!, the company takes you one a journey and adventure that moves you through all the nooks and crannies of Irondale’s stunning space--4 plays, 4 locations, 1 incredible story.

Henry V, Julius Caesar, As You Like It, Hamlet together they form one spellbinding drama tracing the journey of one mythic hero as he transforms through four plays and four characters moving from youthful idealist to a madman ending his journey in hopeless chaos. In this momentous month long run, marking the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare’s death,

Irondale presents the epic four-play cycle, offering audiences to experience, for the first time, the four plays Shakespeare wrote in that amazing year of 1599 as one searing evening of theatre. 

Age Guidance

Age Guidance: 13

Show Notes

Show Notes: 1 Intermission

Audience Advisory:

Irondale has teamed up with Brooklyn caterer Naturally Delicious to offer a Shakespearean-inspired box dinner for your evening. Order your TICKET WITH DINNER! TICKETS WITH DINNER must be ordered at least four business days in advance!

TDF Tickets Offers:

TDF member tickets:

Not currently available for this show

Listed atTKTS


Full-price tickets:

$30 - $50

Lottery & Rush

$30 - Student/Senior (add $10 to include dinner)


Directions Subway

C to Lafayette Ave.; B, D, M, N, Q, R, 2, 3, 4, or 5 to Atlantic Avenue/Pacific Street; or G to Fulton St.

Directions Driving

Take the Manhattan Bridge which leaves you off on Flatbush Avenue. Go half a mile, turn left on Fulton Street (by Fulton Street Mall and Popeyes). Go seven blocks, make a left on South Oxford, and the church will be on your right. (Total time from the bridge is 5-10 mins depending on traffic.)


None available


Irondale does not have a parking lot; however, there are numerous public parking lots.


Accessible restrooms in Lobby only


None on premises

Water Fountain

None available.

Wheelchair Info

Irondale is located on the second floor; however we are ADA compliant with a handicapped entrance and restrooms located in the lobby. There is no elevator, but there is a Handi-lift that can carry up to 450 pounds. The balcony is not wheelchair accessible.



Public Transportation

Subway Icon

By Subway:

C to Lafayette Ave.; B, D, M, N, Q, R, 2, 3, 4, or 5 to Atlantic Avenue/Pacific Street; or G to Fulton St.

Bus Icon

By Bus: